Module opshin.ledger.api_v2

The PlutusV2 ledger API. All classes involved in defining the ScriptContext passed by the node.

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The PlutusV2 ledger API.
All classes involved in defining the ScriptContext passed by the node.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from pycardano import Datum as Anything, PlutusData

# Plutus V2
class TxId(PlutusData):
    A transaction id, a 64 bytes long hash of the transaction body (also called transaction hash).

    Example value: TxId(bytes.fromhex("842a4d37b036da6ab3c04331240e67d81746beb44f23ad79703e026705361956"))

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    tx_id: bytes

class TrueData(PlutusData):
    A Datum that represents True in Haskell implementations.
    It is thus used as an encoding for True in the ScriptContext.

    Example value: TrueData()

    CONSTR_ID = 0

class FalseData(PlutusData):
    A Datum that represents False in Haskell implementations.
    It is thus used as an encoding for False in the ScriptContext.

    Example value: FalseData()

    CONSTR_ID = 1

# A Datum that represents a boolean value in Haskell implementations.
# It is thus used as an encoding for booleans in the ScriptContext.
# Example value: TrueData()
BoolData = Union[TrueData, FalseData]

class TxOutRef(PlutusData):
    A reference to a transaction output (hash/id + index)

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    id: TxId
    idx: int

# A public key hash, used to identify signatures provided by a wallet
PubKeyHash = bytes

class PubKeyCredential(PlutusData):
    Part of an address that is authenticated by a public key hash

    Example value: PubKeyCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    credential_hash: PubKeyHash

# A validator hash, used to identify signatures provided by a smart contract
ValidatorHash = bytes

class ScriptCredential(PlutusData):
    Part of an address that is authenticated by a smart cotnract

    Example value: ScriptCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    credential_hash: ValidatorHash

# A credential, either smart contract or public key hash
Credential = Union[PubKeyCredential, ScriptCredential]

class StakingHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated credential

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    value: Credential

class StakingPtr(PlutusData):
    Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated pointer.

    In an address, a chain pointer refers to a point of the chain containing a stake key registration certificate.
    A point is identified by the 3 coordinates in this object.

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    # an absolute slot number
    slot_no: int
    # a transaction index (within that slot)
    tx_index: int
    # a (delegation) certificate index (within that transaction)
    cert_index: int

# Part of an address that controls who can delegate the stake associated with an address
StakingCredential = Union[StakingHash, StakingPtr]

class NoStakingCredential(PlutusData):
    Indicates that this address has no staking credentials.
    Its funds can not be delegated.

    CONSTR_ID = 1

class SomeStakingCredential(PlutusData):
    Indicates that this address has staking credentials.
    Its funds can be delegated by the credentialed user.

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    staking_credential: StakingCredential

class Address(PlutusData):
    A Shelley address, consisting of a payment and staking credential

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    payment_credential: Credential
    staking_credential: Union[NoStakingCredential, SomeStakingCredential]

# The policy Id of a token
PolicyId = bytes

# The name of a token in bytes (not textual representation!)
TokenName = bytes

# The Plutus representation of amounts of tokens being spent, sent or minted
# It is a two-layered dictionary that stores for each policy id and token name
# the amount of the token that is being sent/minted/burned etc
# Lovelace is represented with policy id b"" and token name b""
Value = Dict[PolicyId, Dict[TokenName, int]]

# A hash of a Datum
DatumHash = bytes

class SomeDatumHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is a datum associated with this output, which has the given hash.

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    datum_hash: DatumHash

class SomeScriptHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is a script associated with this output, which has the given hash.

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    script_hash: DatumHash

# The abstract super type of any object in opshin.
# Use if you don't know what kind of object is being passed or if it doesn't matter.
BuiltinData = Anything

# An abstract type annotation that something is supposed to be used as a redeemer.
Redeemer = BuiltinData

# An abstract type annotation that something is supposed to be used as a datum.
Datum = BuiltinData

class NoOutputDatum(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is no datum associated with an output

    CONSTR_ID = 0

class SomeOutputDatumHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which has the attached hash

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    datum_hash: DatumHash

class SomeOutputDatum(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which is inlined and equal to the attached datum

    CONSTR_ID = 2
    datum: Datum

# Possible cases of datum association with an output
OutputDatum = Union[NoOutputDatum, SomeOutputDatumHash, SomeOutputDatum]

class NoScriptHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is no script associated with an output

    CONSTR_ID = 1

class TxOut(PlutusData):
    The plutus representation of an transaction output, consisting of
    - address: address owning this output
    - value: tokens associated with this output
    - datum: datum associated with this output
    - reference_script: reference script associated with this output

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    address: Address
    value: Value
    datum: OutputDatum
    reference_script: Union[NoScriptHash, SomeScriptHash]

class TxInInfo(PlutusData):
    The plutus representation of an transaction output, that is consumed by the transaction.

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    out_ref: TxOutRef
    resolved: TxOut

class DCertDelegRegKey(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 0
    value: StakingCredential

class DCertDelegDeRegKey(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 1
    value: StakingCredential

class DCertDelegDelegate(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 2
    delegator: StakingCredential
    delegatee: PubKeyHash

class DCertPoolRegister(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 3
    pool_id: PubKeyHash
    pool_vfr: PubKeyHash

class DCertPoolRetire(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 4
    retirement_certificate: PubKeyHash
    epoch: int

class DCertGenesis(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 5

class DCertMir(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 6

DCert = Union[

POSIXTime = int

class NegInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Negative infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no lower bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 0

class FinitePOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Finite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is a lower or upper bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    time: POSIXTime

class PosInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no upper bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 2

ExtendedPOSIXTime = Union[NegInfPOSIXTime, FinitePOSIXTime, PosInfPOSIXTime]

class UpperBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Upper bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime
    closed: BoolData

class LowerBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Lower bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime
    closed: BoolData

class POSIXTimeRange(PlutusData):
    Time range in which this transaction can be executed

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    lower_bound: LowerBoundPOSIXTime
    upper_bound: UpperBoundPOSIXTime

class Minting(PlutusData):
    Script purpose indicating that the given policy id is being minted or burned

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    policy_id: PolicyId

class Spending(PlutusData):
    Script purpose indicating that the given transaction output is being spent, which is
    owned by the invoked contract

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    tx_out_ref: TxOutRef

class Rewarding(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 2
    staking_credential: StakingCredential

class Certifying(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 3
    d_cert: DCert

# The reason that this script is being invoked
ScriptPurpose = Union[Minting, Spending, Rewarding, Certifying]

class TxInfo(PlutusData):
    A complex agglomeration of everything that could be of interest to the executed script, regarding the transaction
    that invoked the script

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    inputs: List[TxInInfo]
    reference_inputs: List[TxInInfo]
    outputs: List[TxOut]
    fee: Value
    mint: Value
    dcert: List[DCert]
    wdrl: Dict[StakingCredential, int]
    valid_range: POSIXTimeRange
    signatories: List[PubKeyHash]
    redeemers: Dict[ScriptPurpose, Redeemer]
    data: Dict[DatumHash, Datum]
    id: TxId

class ScriptContext(PlutusData):
    Auxiliary information about the transaction and reason for invocation of the called script.

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    tx_info: TxInfo
    purpose: ScriptPurpose


class Address (payment_credential: PubKeyCredential | ScriptCredential, staking_credential: NoStakingCredential | SomeStakingCredential)

A Shelley address, consisting of a payment and staking credential

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class Address(PlutusData):
    A Shelley address, consisting of a payment and staking credential

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    payment_credential: Credential
    staking_credential: Union[NoStakingCredential, SomeStakingCredential]


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var payment_credentialPubKeyCredential | ScriptCredential
var staking_credentialNoStakingCredential | SomeStakingCredential
class Certifying (d_cert: DCertDelegRegKey | DCertDelegDeRegKey | DCertDelegDelegate | DCertPoolRegister | DCertPoolRetire | DCertGenesis | DCertMir)

Certifying(d_cert: Union[opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertDelegRegKey, opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertDelegDeRegKey, opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertDelegDelegate, opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertPoolRegister, opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertPoolRetire, opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertGenesis, opshin.ledger.api_v2.DCertMir])

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class Certifying(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 3
    d_cert: DCert


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var d_certDCertDelegRegKey | DCertDelegDeRegKey | DCertDelegDelegate | DCertPoolRegister | DCertPoolRetire | DCertGenesis | DCertMir
class DCertDelegDeRegKey (value: StakingHash | StakingPtr)

DCertDelegDeRegKey(value: Union[opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr])

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class DCertDelegDeRegKey(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 1
    value: StakingCredential


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var valueStakingHash | StakingPtr
class DCertDelegDelegate (delegator: StakingHash | StakingPtr, delegatee: bytes)

DCertDelegDelegate(delegator: Union[opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr], delegatee: bytes)

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class DCertDelegDelegate(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 2
    delegator: StakingCredential
    delegatee: PubKeyHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var delegatee : bytes
var delegatorStakingHash | StakingPtr
class DCertDelegRegKey (value: StakingHash | StakingPtr)

DCertDelegRegKey(value: Union[opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr])

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class DCertDelegRegKey(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 0
    value: StakingCredential


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var valueStakingHash | StakingPtr
class DCertGenesis


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class DCertGenesis(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 5


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class DCertMir


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class DCertMir(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 6


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class DCertPoolRegister (pool_id: bytes, pool_vfr: bytes)

DCertPoolRegister(pool_id: bytes, pool_vfr: bytes)

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class DCertPoolRegister(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 3
    pool_id: PubKeyHash
    pool_vfr: PubKeyHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var pool_id : bytes
var pool_vfr : bytes
class DCertPoolRetire (retirement_certificate: bytes, epoch: int)

DCertPoolRetire(retirement_certificate: bytes, epoch: int)

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class DCertPoolRetire(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 4
    retirement_certificate: PubKeyHash
    epoch: int


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var epoch : int
var retirement_certificate : bytes
class FalseData

A Datum that represents False in Haskell implementations. It is thus used as an encoding for False in the ScriptContext.

Example value: FalseData()

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class FalseData(PlutusData):
    A Datum that represents False in Haskell implementations.
    It is thus used as an encoding for False in the ScriptContext.

    Example value: FalseData()

    CONSTR_ID = 1


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class FinitePOSIXTime (time: int)

Finite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is a lower or upper bound for the execution of this transaction

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class FinitePOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Finite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is a lower or upper bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    time: POSIXTime


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var time : int
class LowerBoundPOSIXTime (limit: NegInfPOSIXTime | FinitePOSIXTime | PosInfPOSIXTime, closed: TrueData | FalseData)

Lower bound for the execution of this transaction

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class LowerBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Lower bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime
    closed: BoolData


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var closedTrueData | FalseData
var limitNegInfPOSIXTime | FinitePOSIXTime | PosInfPOSIXTime
class Minting (policy_id: bytes)

Script purpose indicating that the given policy id is being minted or burned

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class Minting(PlutusData):
    Script purpose indicating that the given policy id is being minted or burned

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    policy_id: PolicyId


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var policy_id : bytes
class NegInfPOSIXTime

Negative infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no lower bound for the execution of this transaction

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class NegInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Negative infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no lower bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 0


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class NoOutputDatum

Indicates that there is no datum associated with an output

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class NoOutputDatum(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is no datum associated with an output

    CONSTR_ID = 0


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class NoScriptHash

Indicates that there is no script associated with an output

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class NoScriptHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is no script associated with an output

    CONSTR_ID = 1


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class NoStakingCredential

Indicates that this address has no staking credentials. Its funds can not be delegated.

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class NoStakingCredential(PlutusData):
    Indicates that this address has no staking credentials.
    Its funds can not be delegated.

    CONSTR_ID = 1


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class POSIXTimeRange (lower_bound: LowerBoundPOSIXTime, upper_bound: UpperBoundPOSIXTime)

Time range in which this transaction can be executed

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class POSIXTimeRange(PlutusData):
    Time range in which this transaction can be executed

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    lower_bound: LowerBoundPOSIXTime
    upper_bound: UpperBoundPOSIXTime


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var lower_boundLowerBoundPOSIXTime
var upper_boundUpperBoundPOSIXTime
class PosInfPOSIXTime

Infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no upper bound for the execution of this transaction

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class PosInfPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Infinite POSIX time, used to indicate that there is no upper bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 2


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class PubKeyCredential (credential_hash: bytes)

Part of an address that is authenticated by a public key hash

Example value: PubKeyCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))

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class PubKeyCredential(PlutusData):
    Part of an address that is authenticated by a public key hash

    Example value: PubKeyCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    credential_hash: PubKeyHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var credential_hash : bytes
class Rewarding (staking_credential: StakingHash | StakingPtr)

Rewarding(staking_credential: Union[opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingHash, opshin.ledger.api_v2.StakingPtr])

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class Rewarding(PlutusData):
    CONSTR_ID = 2
    staking_credential: StakingCredential


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var staking_credentialStakingHash | StakingPtr
class ScriptContext (tx_info: TxInfo, purpose: Minting | Spending | Rewarding | Certifying)

Auxiliary information about the transaction and reason for invocation of the called script.

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class ScriptContext(PlutusData):
    Auxiliary information about the transaction and reason for invocation of the called script.

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    tx_info: TxInfo
    purpose: ScriptPurpose


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var purposeMinting | Spending | Rewarding | Certifying
var tx_infoTxInfo
class ScriptCredential (credential_hash: bytes)

Part of an address that is authenticated by a smart cotnract

Example value: ScriptCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))

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class ScriptCredential(PlutusData):
    Part of an address that is authenticated by a smart cotnract

    Example value: ScriptCredential(bytes.fromhex("c06ddaad12fc4ded18e56feac72957c1aa75fce6096b40e63ec88274"))

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    credential_hash: ValidatorHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var credential_hash : bytes
class SomeDatumHash (datum_hash: bytes)

Indicates that there is a datum associated with this output, which has the given hash.

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class SomeDatumHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is a datum associated with this output, which has the given hash.

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    datum_hash: DatumHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var datum_hash : bytes
class SomeOutputDatum (datum: pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData)

Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which is inlined and equal to the attached datum

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class SomeOutputDatum(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which is inlined and equal to the attached datum

    CONSTR_ID = 2
    datum: Datum


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var datum : pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData
class SomeOutputDatumHash (datum_hash: bytes)

Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which has the attached hash

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class SomeOutputDatumHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is an datum associated with an output, which has the attached hash

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    datum_hash: DatumHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var datum_hash : bytes
class SomeScriptHash (script_hash: bytes)

Indicates that there is a script associated with this output, which has the given hash.

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class SomeScriptHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that there is a script associated with this output, which has the given hash.

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    script_hash: DatumHash


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var script_hash : bytes
class SomeStakingCredential (staking_credential: StakingHash | StakingPtr)

Indicates that this address has staking credentials. Its funds can be delegated by the credentialed user.

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class SomeStakingCredential(PlutusData):
    Indicates that this address has staking credentials.
    Its funds can be delegated by the credentialed user.

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    staking_credential: StakingCredential


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var staking_credentialStakingHash | StakingPtr
class Spending (tx_out_ref: TxOutRef)

Script purpose indicating that the given transaction output is being spent, which is owned by the invoked contract

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class Spending(PlutusData):
    Script purpose indicating that the given transaction output is being spent, which is
    owned by the invoked contract

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    tx_out_ref: TxOutRef


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var tx_out_refTxOutRef
class StakingHash (value: PubKeyCredential | ScriptCredential)

Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated credential

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class StakingHash(PlutusData):
    Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated credential

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    value: Credential


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var valuePubKeyCredential | ScriptCredential
class StakingPtr (slot_no: int, tx_index: int, cert_index: int)

Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated pointer.

In an address, a chain pointer refers to a point of the chain containing a stake key registration certificate. A point is identified by the 3 coordinates in this object.

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class StakingPtr(PlutusData):
    Indicates that the stake of this address is controlled by the associated pointer.

    In an address, a chain pointer refers to a point of the chain containing a stake key registration certificate.
    A point is identified by the 3 coordinates in this object.

    CONSTR_ID = 1
    # an absolute slot number
    slot_no: int
    # a transaction index (within that slot)
    tx_index: int
    # a (delegation) certificate index (within that transaction)
    cert_index: int


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var cert_index : int
var slot_no : int
var tx_index : int
class TrueData

A Datum that represents True in Haskell implementations. It is thus used as an encoding for True in the ScriptContext.

Example value: TrueData()

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class TrueData(PlutusData):
    A Datum that represents True in Haskell implementations.
    It is thus used as an encoding for True in the ScriptContext.

    Example value: TrueData()

    CONSTR_ID = 0


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables

class TxId (tx_id: bytes)

A transaction id, a 64 bytes long hash of the transaction body (also called transaction hash).

Example value: TxId(bytes.fromhex("842a4d37b036da6ab3c04331240e67d81746beb44f23ad79703e026705361956"))

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class TxId(PlutusData):
    A transaction id, a 64 bytes long hash of the transaction body (also called transaction hash).

    Example value: TxId(bytes.fromhex("842a4d37b036da6ab3c04331240e67d81746beb44f23ad79703e026705361956"))

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    tx_id: bytes


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var tx_id : bytes
class TxInInfo (out_ref: TxOutRef, resolved: TxOut)

The plutus representation of an transaction output, that is consumed by the transaction.

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class TxInInfo(PlutusData):
    The plutus representation of an transaction output, that is consumed by the transaction.

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    out_ref: TxOutRef
    resolved: TxOut


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var out_refTxOutRef
var resolvedTxOut
class TxInfo (inputs: List[TxInInfo], reference_inputs: List[TxInInfo], outputs: List[TxOut], fee: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]], mint: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]], dcert: List[DCertDelegRegKey | DCertDelegDeRegKey | DCertDelegDelegate | DCertPoolRegister | DCertPoolRetire | DCertGenesis | DCertMir], wdrl: Dict[StakingHash | StakingPtr, int], valid_range: POSIXTimeRange, signatories: List[bytes], redeemers: Dict[Minting | Spending | Rewarding | Certifying, pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData], data: Dict[bytes, pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData], id: TxId)

A complex agglomeration of everything that could be of interest to the executed script, regarding the transaction that invoked the script

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class TxInfo(PlutusData):
    A complex agglomeration of everything that could be of interest to the executed script, regarding the transaction
    that invoked the script

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    inputs: List[TxInInfo]
    reference_inputs: List[TxInInfo]
    outputs: List[TxOut]
    fee: Value
    mint: Value
    dcert: List[DCert]
    wdrl: Dict[StakingCredential, int]
    valid_range: POSIXTimeRange
    signatories: List[PubKeyHash]
    redeemers: Dict[ScriptPurpose, Redeemer]
    data: Dict[DatumHash, Datum]
    id: TxId


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var data : Dict[bytes, pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]
var dcert : List[DCertDelegRegKey | DCertDelegDeRegKey | DCertDelegDelegate | DCertPoolRegister | DCertPoolRetire | DCertGenesis | DCertMir]
var fee : Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]
var idTxId
var inputs : List[TxInInfo]
var mint : Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]
var outputs : List[TxOut]
var redeemers : Dict[Minting | Spending | Rewarding | Certifying, pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]
var reference_inputs : List[TxInInfo]
var signatories : List[bytes]
var valid_rangePOSIXTimeRange
var wdrl : Dict[StakingHash | StakingPtr, int]
class TxOut (address: Address, value: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]], datum: NoOutputDatum | SomeOutputDatumHash | SomeOutputDatum, reference_script: NoScriptHash | SomeScriptHash)

The plutus representation of an transaction output, consisting of - address: address owning this output - value: tokens associated with this output - datum: datum associated with this output - reference_script: reference script associated with this output

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class TxOut(PlutusData):
    The plutus representation of an transaction output, consisting of
    - address: address owning this output
    - value: tokens associated with this output
    - datum: datum associated with this output
    - reference_script: reference script associated with this output

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    address: Address
    value: Value
    datum: OutputDatum
    reference_script: Union[NoScriptHash, SomeScriptHash]


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var addressAddress
var datumNoOutputDatum | SomeOutputDatumHash | SomeOutputDatum
var reference_scriptNoScriptHash | SomeScriptHash
var value : Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, int]]
class TxOutRef (id: TxId, idx: int)

A reference to a transaction output (hash/id + index)

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class TxOutRef(PlutusData):
    A reference to a transaction output (hash/id + index)

    CONSTR_ID = 0

    id: TxId
    idx: int


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var idTxId
var idx : int
class UpperBoundPOSIXTime (limit: NegInfPOSIXTime | FinitePOSIXTime | PosInfPOSIXTime, closed: TrueData | FalseData)

Upper bound for the execution of this transaction

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class UpperBoundPOSIXTime(PlutusData):
    Upper bound for the execution of this transaction

    CONSTR_ID = 0
    limit: ExtendedPOSIXTime
    closed: BoolData


  • pycardano.plutus.PlutusData
  • pycardano.serialization.ArrayCBORSerializable
  • pycardano.serialization.CBORSerializable

Class variables


Instance variables

var closedTrueData | FalseData
var limitNegInfPOSIXTime | FinitePOSIXTime | PosInfPOSIXTime