Module opshin.std.builtins
A special libary that gives direct access to UPLC built-ins It is valid code and parts of it may be copied if not all built-ins are required by the user.
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A special libary that gives direct access to UPLC built-ins
It is valid code and parts of it may be copied if not all built-ins are required by the user.
from opshin.bridge import wraps_builtin
from pycardano import Datum as Anything, PlutusData
from typing import Dict, List, Union
def add_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Adds two integers and returns the result."""
def subtract_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Subtract fist integer by second and return the result."""
def multiply_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Multiply 2 integers and return the result."""
def divide_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Divide first integer by second and return the result."""
def quotient_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Quotient of first integer by second and return the result."""
def remainder_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Remainder of first integer by second and return the result."""
def mod_integer(x: int, y: int) -> int:
"""Modulus of first integer by second and return the result."""
def equals_integer(x: int, y: int) -> bool:
"""Equality between two integers."""
def less_than_integer(x: int, y: int) -> bool:
"""Returns x < y"""
def less_than_equals_integer(x: int, y: int) -> bool:
"""Returns x <= y."""
def append_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Concatenate two bytestrings."""
def cons_byte_string(x: int, y: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Prepend a byte, represented by a natural number (Integer), to a bytestring."""
def slice_byte_string(x: int, y: int, z: bytes) -> bytes:
Slice a bytestring using given indices (inclusive on both ends).
The resulting bytestring is z[x:x+y].
def length_of_byte_string(x: bytes) -> int:
"""Get the length of a bytestring."""
def index_byte_string(x: bytes, y: int) -> int:
"""Get the byte at given index from a bytestring."""
def equals_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) -> bool:
"""Returns x == y."""
def less_than_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) -> bool:
"""Returns x < y."""
def less_than_equals_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) -> bool:
"""Returns x <= y."""
def sha2_256(x: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Hash a bytestring using SHA-256."""
def sha3_256(x: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Hash a bytestring using SHA3-256."""
def blake2b_256(x: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Hash a bytestring using Blake2B-256."""
def verify_ed25519_signature(pk: bytes, m: bytes, s: bytes) -> bool:
"""Given PubKey, Message, and Signature, verify the Ed25519 signature."""
def verify_ecdsa_secp256k1_signature(pk: bytes, m: bytes, s: bytes) -> bool:
"""Given PubKey, Message, and Signature, verify the ECDSA signature."""
def verify_schnorr_secp256k1_signature(pk: bytes, m: bytes, s: bytes) -> bool:
"""Given PubKey, Message, and Signature, verify the Schnorr signature."""
def append_string(x: str, y: str) -> str:
"""Concatenate two strings/texts."""
def equals_string(x: str, y: str) -> str:
"""Returns x == y."""
def encode_utf8(x: str) -> bytes:
"""Encode a string/text using UTF-8."""
def decode_utf8(x: bytes) -> str:
"""Decode a string/text using UTF-8."""
def constr_data(x: int, y: List[Anything]) -> Anything:
"""Create a datum with constructor id x and fields y."""
def equals_data(x: Anything, y: Anything) -> bool:
"""Equality between two complex classes."""
def serialise_data(x: Anything) -> bytes:
"""Serialize a datum into its CBOR representation."""
def add_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Adds two integers and returns the result.
def append_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) ‑> bytes
Concatenate two bytestrings.
def append_string(x: str, y: str) ‑> str
Concatenate two strings/texts.
def blake2b_256(x: bytes) ‑> bytes
Hash a bytestring using Blake2B-256.
def cons_byte_string(x: int, y: bytes) ‑> bytes
Prepend a byte, represented by a natural number (Integer), to a bytestring.
def constr_data(x: int, y: List[pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData]) ‑> pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData
Create a datum with constructor id x and fields y.
def decode_utf8(x: bytes) ‑> str
Decode a string/text using UTF-8.
def divide_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Divide first integer by second and return the result.
def encode_utf8(x: str) ‑> bytes
Encode a string/text using UTF-8.
def equals_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) ‑> bool
Returns x == y.
def equals_data(x: pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData, y: pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData) ‑> bool
Equality between two complex classes.
def equals_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> bool
Equality between two integers.
def equals_string(x: str, y: str) ‑> str
Returns x == y.
def index_byte_string(x: bytes, y: int) ‑> int
Get the byte at given index from a bytestring.
def length_of_byte_string(x: bytes) ‑> int
Get the length of a bytestring.
def less_than_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) ‑> bool
Returns x < y.
def less_than_equals_byte_string(x: bytes, y: bytes) ‑> bool
Returns x <= y.
def less_than_equals_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> bool
Returns x <= y.
def less_than_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> bool
Returns x < y
def mod_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Modulus of first integer by second and return the result.
def multiply_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Multiply 2 integers and return the result.
def quotient_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Quotient of first integer by second and return the result.
def remainder_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Remainder of first integer by second and return the result.
def serialise_data(x: pycardano.plutus.PlutusData | dict | int | bytes | pycardano.serialization.IndefiniteList | pycardano.serialization.RawCBOR | pycardano.plutus.RawPlutusData) ‑> bytes
Serialize a datum into its CBOR representation.
def sha2_256(x: bytes) ‑> bytes
Hash a bytestring using SHA-256.
def sha3_256(x: bytes) ‑> bytes
Hash a bytestring using SHA3-256.
def slice_byte_string(x: int, y: int, z: bytes) ‑> bytes
Slice a bytestring using given indices (inclusive on both ends). The resulting bytestring is z[x:x+y].
def subtract_integer(x: int, y: int) ‑> int
Subtract fist integer by second and return the result.
def verify_ecdsa_secp256k1_signature(pk: bytes, m: bytes, s: bytes) ‑> bool
Given PubKey, Message, and Signature, verify the ECDSA signature.
def verify_ed25519_signature(pk: bytes, m: bytes, s: bytes) ‑> bool
Given PubKey, Message, and Signature, verify the Ed25519 signature.
def verify_schnorr_secp256k1_signature(pk: bytes, m: bytes, s: bytes) ‑> bool
Given PubKey, Message, and Signature, verify the Schnorr signature.